About Us
If you’ve purchased one of our kayaks, THANK YOU and congratulations, you have purchased one of the best-made kayaks available in the country! Now to let people know who we are and who we aren't. If you’re thinking about buying one of our kayaks, here’s a little bio:
We aren’t some group of former white water river guides that brag about their Eskimo Roll skills. We hope to never have to do an Eskimo Roll, a couple of us don’t even know what an Eskimo Roll is- but those are the guys that can tell you exactly where the Snook or Redfish are biting! We are Tampa Bay’s Homegrown Kayak Company. Owned by a local family of St Pete Natives and residents. The business is a US Coast Guard Registered American Manufacturing Company – ENK, which is found on every kayak serial number.
We are also transplants to the St Petersburg area from Michigan and Kentucky.
We’re not some ‘.com’ or faceless box store.
We live here, paddle here, fish, dive, go to church, camp, and love enjoying our beautiful area. We love the water, our families, our country, and God!
We take pride in building a kayak here in Tampa Bay, Florida, with parts that come from all over the world. We don’t make all the parts; the seats come from a seat manufacturer, the accessory tracks can come from an accessory company like Ram, Scotty, Yak Attack, and some are routed and built on site.
Between us, we spend hundreds of hours every week designing, testing, and selling what we believe is the most creative, value-packed, best kayaks available on the market – period. We’ve sold over a thousand of them, and because we’re direct to consumer, we’ve hooked people up for often half of what other manufacturers’ have to charge through their dealer networks.
We back our kayaks with a warranty that’s almost never used- that’s the best kind! When there is an issue it’s handled also right here in St Petersburg through our distributor, West Coast Kayaks- another local and family-owned Florida company.
It is our honor to offer a product that enables people to get out and enjoy the paradise where we live and starting in the summer of 2020 all over the US.
Thanks, and ENJOY!
The Enjoy Kayaks Crew
St Petersburg, Florida